We just had a huge rain storm and the girls LOVE jumping in the puddles. We always put on our rainboots after a good rain storm and go out and have a ball. Well this time it happened on a weekend so Daddy was able to join in on the fun. I never thought about taking the girls across the street to stomp in the puddles on the golf course (or really in the trees just outside the golf course). Katie finds a huge swampy looking puddle and the girls start to wade in. Within about 10 seconds Hannah starts screaming. And I mean REALLY screaming. John and I have never heard her scream like this. He immediately snatchers her out of the water I am frantically looking for anything biting her and rip off her rain boots-still nothing! Finally Hannah screams “ALLIGATOR!” and points to the
swampy looking puddle. I must confess at feeling a little guilty because John and my immediate reaction was to start cracking up! Clearly there are NO alligators on our golf course. Maybe in Myrtle Beach but not here. I have talked with Hannah several times and she STILL insists that yes there are alligators out there.
“Alligator! Eat me!” Hannah
I'm cracking up b/c I notice the White dress under the raincoat!! Too cute!