Category Archives: Christmas
Visit with Santa!
2017 The Perfect Tree
Merry Christmas 2016!
Christmas at Mema’s 2016
Getting Ready for Santa! Cookies & More…
Christmas is Here!
Visit with Santa!
Baking for Santa and his Reindeer too!
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Trim the Tree…
Christmas Tree Selection
Chippy and Jingles Arrive!
Christmas with the Pierce’s
Christmas with the McKinney’s
Christmas at the McKinney’s is always fun but we missed Zach who had the flu. The girls were very excited about their stuffies. They were very into bunnies and penguins this year. But the big hit was the surprise roller skates! They had to immediately put them on and start stumbling around. I am happy to report they can both now roller skate.
As usual the girls were terribly excited waiting for Santa. We had to turn on the Santa tracker at about 5pm so it was a long wait for bedtime with numerous checks as to where Santa was in the world. Some of the goodies from Christmas were Furbies, a new bunk bed, a mini iPad and an American girl doll amongst many others!
Oh Santa! He’s so good to us. And so if our dear friend B who hosts an annual Christmas party where we can all get together and enjoy the season. The kids loved it and although they are getting older Santa AMAZED them with some of his Christmas magic. Although Katie cracked me up when I saw her tug Santa’s beard to check if it was real. ha ha! And yes I caught it. See below.
Hannah as always was very shy and wanted to hide in the background but as usual at the end Santa coaxed her out for a little hug. 🙂 Thanks Santa!
Time for the Tree
Chippy and Jingles Arrive!
I really thought the girls were going to EXPLODE waiting for Chippy and Jingles to arrive. We almost had to fight them to go to Aunt Viki’s for thanksgiving. Even though I reminded them a thousand times that they don’t come till the day AFTER thanksgiving which we would be home well in time. They made their appearance and had fun hiding from the girls each day until they had to return to the north pole Christmas Eve. Even Lacey got to enjoy the fun on one of her visits.