4th of July!

They had a little fireworks show at the barn where the girls ride and so of course we HAD to go!!  Hannah stayed in the suburban with John most of the time because they kind of misfired into the crowd once or twice so she was done after that!  Katie on the other hand had to be practicaly dragged away!

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New Year’s Eve with the Cousins

Sadly I got NO pictures other than of the CD we were laughing our heads off (that would be Lacey and I) while Michelle and Katie just shook their heads.  Clearly we had lost our minds.  Here’s a little script from Facebook though that should shed some light on our New Years.  AND NO, there was no alcohol involved. Sadly this was all JUST us.  I think I have video but it is SUPER embarrassing!  And Katie’s comment for the night “Now I know why kids are embarrassed of their parents.”


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As usual the girls were terribly excited waiting for Santa. We had to turn on the Santa tracker at about 5pm so it was a long wait for bedtime with numerous checks as to where Santa was in the world. Some of the goodies from Christmas were Furbies, a new bunk bed, a mini iPad and an American girl doll amongst many others!

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Chippy and Jingles Arrive!

I really thought the girls were going to EXPLODE waiting for Chippy and Jingles to arrive.  We almost had to fight them to go to Aunt Viki’s for thanksgiving. Even though I reminded them a thousand times that they don’t come till the day AFTER thanksgiving which we would be home well in time.  They made their appearance and had fun hiding from the girls each day until they had to return to the north pole Christmas Eve.  Even Lacey got to enjoy the fun on one of her visits.2013_12_0018 2013_12_0019 2013_12_00242013_12_0356 2013_12_0350 2013_12_0348 2013_12_0347 2013_12_0346

Halloween is FINALLY here!

Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. It used to be Christmas but for some reason I guess you get all the fun of decorating and making it special without all the stress of traveling and trying to be 100 places at one time.  As is tradition we had our good friends the Stones over for the fun.  And one of our neighbor friends from swim team. The more the merrier! Or would that be ‘scarier’! 😉2013_10_07592013_10_0826 2013_10_0825 2013_10_0779 2013_10_0778 2013_10_0774 2013_10_0766 2013_10_0760 2013_10_0769 2013_10_0801 2013_10_0800 2013_10_0791 2013_10_0788 2013_10_0785 2013_10_0815 2013_10_0811