Parent of the Year Award Pony Finals

I couldn’t be a happier Mom parenting the two most amazing girls.  I got this lovely award at the 2022 Pony Finals.  I wouldn’t be the Mom I am in this recommendation if I didn’t have the best girls that make me want to be the best I could for them. <3

From: Bethanie Cooper <>
Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 10:11 PM
To: Pony Finals <>
Subject: 2022 Outstanding Parent Award Nomination
To whom it concerns,
It is with my great pleasure to nominate Diane McKinney, mother of Katie McKinney, for the 2022 Outstanding Parent Award. Diane McKinney has been a member of our barn family for many years. She started out not knowing the difference between a halter and a bridle and has grown to be the best groom, pony photographer and supporter of not only her own girls but of every young girl at our barn. In October of 2021, Diane was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Somehow, through intensive chemotherapy and treatment, Diane managed to make it to horse shows with a smile on her face and a camera ready to take pictures of our girls and their ponies. Diane is the first barn mom to reach out and offer a word of support in hard times and the first barn mom to provide a hug and praise in the good times. She is an incredible parent and words can not convey how deserving she is.

Thank you so much for your consideration,
Dr. Bethanie Cooper, DVM
NC State University 
College of Veterinary Medicine
Pony Finals Parent of the Year Award 2022